Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Shaking and Shivering Can Mean in Dogs and Cats

By James Witherspoon

It is not unusual for a dog or cat to occasionally shake or tremble. This behavior usually occurs on a normal basis when the pet is enduring a behavior which makes it uncomfortable and anxious such as going to the vet or being bathed. But the shivering should cease after the anxiety provoking experience is over. It is only when a dog or cat has long bouts of shaking or trembling for no apparent reason that it may be necessary for the animal to be checked out by a veterinarian.

Shaking can be a sign of a number of issues in dogs and cats. It is very difficult to know when the behavior is something to worry about and when it is nothing, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so if a pet is shaking when there is no obvious anxiety trigger, it should be taken to the vet.

The Main Causes of Shaking and Trembling in Pets

There are a number of things that shaking can indicate. Some of the more common issues that shaking may be a result of include:

• Hypoglycemia-hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. This is perhaps the top cause of shivering or trembling in dogs and cats and occurs when the animal has gone for an extended period without food.

• Metabolic abnormalities-digestive upset such as vomiting can result in shaking.

• Elevated body temperatures-shaking can be a sign of a serious fever in a pet. If the pet is also sleeping on the bathroom floor or other cool surfaces, there is an additional call for worry.

Small dogs and cats often shake routinely for no evident reason.

To find out more about shaking and shivering in dogs and cats, visit the website of your Austin Vet Clinic today.

James Witherspoon

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Crazy Crab Information - Understanding Crab Behavior

By David B. Star

It is essential to understand Normal crab behavior to understand how crazy crabs are feeling. Crazy crabs normally interact with other crabs in certain ways, much like how one person talks or deals with another. They can crawl on top of each other they can even spar with one another known as pushing contests. These behaviors are usually typical among crazy crabs and would not require a crab owner to be alarmed. When these interactions occur, these actions would mean that they are feeling each other or smelling each other to get to know one another. Usually, they push one another while flicking their claws and antenna to communicate. Strolling over an object is challenging for a crab which is why they go over it or burrow to enable them to have a feel of their environment.

On the other hand, a crab can be hostile to their environment if they feel like they are being threatened. They can be aggressive to their owners while being gentle to other crabs. Others may be hostile to other crabs as well. One example of which would be the land crazy crabs. These hermits typically would kill each other because they are usually territorial. They would destroy each other's shells by ripping them off. They are even known to eat their own kind. These behaviors are usually disturbing to some crab owners which is why it is important to know that these crabs are meat to be placed in separate cages or containers. If a crab is injured, it is ideal to place them in a humid place, making sure you don't disturb them.

Some crab owners are challenged by the fact that their crabs are not coming out of their shell. It is important to know that crabs have different personalities. All crabs are unique. While some like to come out of their shells, others may enjoy staying inside their shells. Some may be fond of exploring their environment while others like to burrow and hide.

The best way to get a crab to explore its environment is to hold it. Let the crab come out on its own by letting it sit in the palm of your hand until the crab becomes comfortable enough to come out. Some are most likely to stay put until you hold them for a long period of time. Some may not come out because they have been hurt by their previous owners. Keeping your palms flat will encourage your crab to come out on his own. Talk in a low gentle voice to encourage him.

While some crabs come out while trying to dig through, just keep your palm taut and firm. This will encourage him to think about his environment thus encouraging him to explore. Blowing on it can also encourage him to come out. Just make sure that your lip is not too close.

David Star is a crazy crab enthusiast. For more accurate crazy crab information, visit

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