Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tips on Starting a Beekeeping Business

By Heather Eaton

Beekeeping is one of the best-kept business secrets. It has a history of making consistent money for beekeepers, that practice the time-tested methods of beekeeping. Even during economic recessions and financial turmoil demand for bee based products remains high due to their health benefits and use in recipes. Moreover, just about anybody can get into the beekeeping business with a little knowledge and a little money.

It's important to understand that the beekeeping business can generate an enormous amount of cash very quickly. However, like in any business you have to educate yourself on the best industry practices. The beekeeping industry is constantly evolving. Therefore, you must use the Internet search engines, online forums, industry publications and other resources to stay on top of the ever-changing beekeeping business environment.

Bees can be dangerous. Therefore, you must start out your business small until you understand exactly how bees react to your presence and business plan. Bees are not like normal household animals. They can become very aggressive very quickly if you don't know what you're doing. This is how bees protect themselves. When bees, get really frightened they then attack by stinging. So it is a important that you acquire proper protection before you start maintaining bee hives.

Proper protection consists of protective gloves, body suits and headgear. You cannot just hand bees food like you do your household cat. Bees are much more complex than that so you must know what you're doing otherwise, you risk getting hurt.

There are also some common beekeeping tools that you need to become familiar with before you can begin your beekeeping business. The most common tool which you always see beekeepers use on TV is the smoke box. This tool is used to calm the bees if they get too aggressive. The smoke box is simple to use. You just blow a few puffs of smoke on the bees if they become too wild. The smoke disorients the bees and therefore they become less aggressive and less of a threat to you as the beekeeper.

If you do your homework, you can create an endless stream of profits with beekeeping. Furthermore, you're going to make many people very happy by providing them with high quality bee based products.

Heather has been working on managing her weight for years. She loves writing articles that will help others achieve the same goals. You can check out Heather's other web creation, best savings account by going to her newest website

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Your Pet Hermit Crab's Care and Feeding Tips

By Don A Levy

Learn Tips for the Care & Feeding of Your Pet Hermit Crab

Regular care and timely feeding is what's needed for the health and happiness of hermit crabs along with being the secret for their longevity. Never ignore your pet hermit crab otherwise it likely will die within few months. If you want your pet hermit crab to live for years in a healthy state, you need to create proper environment to exist and provide healthy food.

Care for your pet hermit crab begins with their habitat. A glass fish aquarium is probably the best home for your pet. They need to have a moist warm climate to thrive and this will fill the bill. Because hermit crabs are climbers a surface like glass will do the best job of keeping them secure. You also want to sure the lid is secure to prevent your pet from escaping.

The floor of their home should ideally be covered in sand. Its recommended the sand be at least 2 inches deeper than the height of their shell. Keep the sand moist so they can burrow down in it easily. This is a must for them to molt. They could stay in their burrow for a couple of weeks so don't worry if you don't see them for a while.

Even though I keep talking about a pet hermit crab it probably best to at least have a pair as they are social animals. The more you have in your crabarium the more chances you will have to observe them doing interesting things. Make sure you have plenty of shells for them to choose from.

Make sure that the habitat is cleaned and supplied with fresh water daily. Clam shells are recommended for their food and water dishes as they are not only more interesting then a dish but they will supply some calcium for the crabs. Depending on the size of your pet hermit crabs you may need to put a rock or something similar in the deepest part of the water shell to keep them from drowning as they will crawl into the shell

Shells are likely the most important part of the pet hermit crabs care. The shell is what protects the crabs soft abdomen. Without a shell the crab is fairly well doomed. Make sure you have plenty of shells in their home. You also need to make sure the shell are increasing in size. Although the littler crabs will use a shell that has been discarded by a larger one, keep in mind that some crabs are finicky about choosing a shell. The shell are also good decorations so have a lot of different types and sizes.

Humidity is an important part of your pet crab's life. It is recommended that the humidity be around 70%. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. You can spritz them but this is a short term solution. A natural sponge soaked with water is a good method and also acts as a decoration. Keeping the sand damp will also act as a humidifier. An electric humidifier is another way but I only recommend this a last resort.

Warmth is also a must. The crabs usually come from jungles so keep this in mind when providing their home. The recommended temperature is 72-80 degrees. If the temperature goes below 72 degrees for a period of time it could cause stress or health problems for your pet hermit crab.

The proper type of food is crucial for your pet hermit crabs health. They need plenty of calcium so you should buy a specially formulated food from a pet store or you can also make their food at home. Since the creatures are scavengers and will eat almost anything you can give them a variety of foods like fruits, crackers, egg shells and vegetables. Remember not to leave uneaten food because mold and bugs will infest the habitat.

Handle hermit crabs with care. In the beginning, the easiest way to hold them is by its shell to avoid getting pinched. After the crab begins to trust you more you can try putting it in the palm of your hand. Make sure to keep your hand flat. The crab might pinch you if it thinks it will fall. If one pinches you, try not to panic, and hold it under running warm water to make it let go. Be careful never to drop the crab, which could kill it, and never attempt to take it out of its shell. A hermit crab would rather be torn apart than be separated from its shell.

If you are thinking of getting a pet but haven't decided on what kind you might want to think about a hermit crab especially if you have children. A crab is fairly inexpensive to acquire and doesn't cost much to take care of. Kids like to have things that are unique and a pet hermit will certainly fill the bill. With kid's pets the parents are often called on to make sure they have been taken care of and with crab it won't be the problem a puppy or kitty might be.

Don Levy
hermit crabs PetCo Website

If you are a pet owner or thinking about becoming one you should go to the website at Natural Pets Health to get more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures. You will also find general information such as the pros & cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes to fish to exotics.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Names For Black and White Dogs

By Dennis Estrada

Several pure breeds only grow black with white markings fur or vice versa. We will look at the breeds to find the most appropriate dog names. Here are some ideas for the remarkable and beautiful breeds.

The breeds that may grow only black and white fur are Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Boston Terrier, Bull Terrier, Dalmatian, Karelian Bear Dog, Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Polish Owczarek Nizinny, and Portuguese Water Dog.

Bandit, Batman, Butler, Checkers, Dominos, Ninja, Oreo, Panda, Punisher, Superman, Tux, Tuxedo, Zebra, Zorro are possible best dog names which relates to black and white dog.

Panda and Zebra may also be good dog names, because the breed mimics the black and white markings of Panda and Zebra. The names may sound a little strange to call the dog as Panda and Zebra at first, because a dog is also another kind of animal.

Bandit is perfect name for predominant white face with black marks. It is like the breed is wearing a black mask. For example, Border Collie and Bull Terrier may have white face with black marks.

Checkers and Dominos are one of the classic games. Since the tiles or boards of the game are black and white, several owners use Checkers and Dominos as cute dog names. Traditionally, the Checkers are played in black and white checker board.

In Dominos, the players use rectangle tiles in white or black. If the tile is white, black spots appear on tile. If the tile is black, white spot appears on the tile.

Like the domino set, the Dalmatian grows majority white with black spots fur all over. That is why owners like the name to relate to spot. For example, Spot, Spotty, and Spot Fletcher are excellent English dog names for Dalmatian breed. The Former President George W. Bush named his English Springer Spaniel as Spot Fletcher. He coined the name from Scott Fletcher who was a professional baseball player.

A Ninja wears black or white suit. Therefore, Ninja can be an excellent name. Ninjas are expert in Ninjitsu which is Japanese martial arts. Often, Ninjas were paid to sabotage and espionage.

In formal event, men usually wears black suit called Tux or Tuxedo. Behind the Tuxedo, the men usually wear a white shirt. Thus, Tux and Tuxedo are options for names.

Butler often wears black Tuxedo and white shirt as a uniform. Butler is a male servant of a house. He may be in charge of several servants.

Hancock, Punisher, and Zorro are brave dog names which are the names of superheroes. They were black and white suit to hide their identities. Sometimes, Batman, Spiderman, and Superman wears black and white suit as well. Hancock is a superhero who possesses a super strength, immortal life, and flying ability. He losses his powers when he gets too close to his immortal wife.

Punisher is a vigilante superhero who kills, kidnaps, extorts, forces, and tortures as a tactics to fight crime. He became vigilante when gangs killed his family. With martial arts, sneaky tactics, guerrilla warfare, and strong firearms, he single-handedly fights the mobs and criminals.

Zorro is an outlaw who uses the sword to depend the people from abusive officials and villains. Zorro wears mostly black except for white long sleeve shirt. The hat, mask, pants, belt, boots, gloves, and cape are black. Nowadays, he wears black long sleeve shirt instead of white long sleeve shirt. He rides a black horse named Tornado.

Finally, Oreo is delicious snack which is a two black cookie with white cream in the middle. By dipping the snack in milk, the cookie softens, dissolves, and melts faster in your mouth.

These are great name ideas for black and white dog. We continue to gather and create name ideas for the breed. If you have name ideas, feel free to suggest. We will try our best to add in our database.

Dennis Estrada owns and operates good dog names and brave dog names website as a hobby.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gerbil Cages

By Derrick R Anderson

When you are thinking of purchasing a cage for your pet gerbil the cage has to be lively and interesting. The cages are the main place where in these pets eat, play, and sleep. Your decision is really essential. One wrong decision can completely ruin the gerbil's life. A small cage will not allow them to have sufficient space for stretching and fun.

Size of the Cage:

Always keep one thing in mind that gerbils are a completely social animals. They require enough space to enjoy, burrow, move around, and run here and there. The American Gerbil society recommends 5 gallons of space available in the gerbil cages. This acts as a thumb rule. There is no problem in going for a bit of a larger cage but you need to keep it neat and clean. In case you wish to purchase more gerbils in future, you will have to expand your gerbil cage by adding some more slabs or, simply, getting more cages.

Accessories for Gerbil Cages:

All the essential accessories must be included in the gerbil cage. The water dish is a must and should always be present in the cage so that your pet can satisfy his or her thirst whenever it feels like. The addition of a nest box and a sand bath is, also, important so that the gerbil can enjoy and play as much as the pet wants. These things will offer enough space for the gerbil to secrete waste, bath and nest around.

Gerbils love to chew on something or another all day long. Thus, give them toys inside the cage but these toys must not be dangerous in any sense. You can place things such as toilet paper rolls, tissue paper and hay. You can add cardboard boxes in the gerbil cages if possible. Try to construct 2 or more levels inside the dwelling. This construction will permit the gerbils to jump and play.

To keep your gerbil safe see our selection of gerbil cages. To keep your other small pets protected try one of our guinea pig cages.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An Environment Friendly Flea Trap Is One of the Best Ways to Get Rid of Fleas

By Clive Anderson

Fleas do not discriminate and choose who does or does not get the pleasure of their uninvited company. It really does not matter to them too much if you vacuum every day twice a day, if you have an infestation you really do some extra aids in getting rid of fleas in your home. By using a flea trap you can make a very positive start in removing the little critters really quickly.

We all have the environment and its interests at heart so to be able to use a flea trap safely and efficiently knowing that the only problem it will cause is to the fleas that you are desperate to be rid of, is just fantastic. They really are perfect in this respect as you can control and monitor any infestation without danger to you, your kids, pets or your surroundings, just perfect.

To understand why these hopping pests are such a challenge to remove from your home, it may be a help to just explain how and why they are so tricky. Basically, they have a four stage life cycle which involves egg, larva, pupa and adult.

To survive they need a number of factors to be just right for them but, they are very resilient and the most important thing for them is food. Unfortunately for us, our dogs, cats, rabbits or chickens we are all prime targets providing a tasty blood meal. Once the female has had a good munch on any one of us she will lay between 45 to 50 eggs per day.

The eggs once laid, hatch into larva and the larva develop into the adult. The adult can remain in a sleep like state within a cocoon until the likely hood of a meal is imminent. They detect heat, vibration and CO2 (which us warm blooded creatures give off) and to them it means only one thing and that is dinner.

So, because of this sort of semi hibernation, you will often find that spring is a bad time for an infestation. Worse still they will also lay in wait for you to come back from your vacation and hop immediately into life once they realise you are there and dinner is about to be served.

As gross as this may all sound, if you use the right approach to destroying the little beasts, you really can deal with them easily. The key factors are to kill the egg laying adults and prevent the development of the eggs and larva. To do this you really need your plan of attack to be two fold.

By treating your pets, their bedding and of course your home, you can have your house and animals flea free before you know it. The flea trap itself is such a brilliant bit of kit. It works by pretending to be something nice for them to eat and they are lured into thinking that the warmth and vibrations given off will reward them with a meal. Oh shame, just how wrong can a flea be? Just fantastic to see so many of them in the trap and not bothering you that is for sure.

Now you know the best way to approach flea infestations in the house - wouldn't you like to see the best flea traps that there are for getting rid of fleas? The Get Rid of Fleas site has an impressive selection of all the latest flea traps currently available. You can get a better picture and say goodbye to fleas for good by going to=>

Friday, August 6, 2010

What Guinea Pig Food Should I Give to My Cavies?

By Robert Prior

Cavies are herbivores which means they only eat fruits and vegetables and pellets. Guinea Pig food from any Pet Shop is also good for them for their Guinea Pig diet. Just because cavies eat anything they find or are given, DOESN'T mean it is good for feeding Guinea Pigs.

When feeding them vegetables, either bought or foraged, this must be

- Unfrozen
- Clean
- Free from contamination (crop spraying, animal droppings, exhaust fumes, etc)
- Mildew-free

The following vegetables are enjoyed by Guinea Pigs and Vitamin C information and how much to give to your Guinea Pig per day;

Few chopped pieces, leaves are poisonous

A handful

Couple leaves

A chopped handful

Cauliflower Leaves
Couple leaves

A handful

1 and half inch, chopped in half

Green Leaf Lettuce
3 or 4 Leaves

Green Peppers
Chop few strips, without seeds

Few chopped pieces

Pea Pods
Empty pods with ends chopped off

Red Peppers
Chop few strips, without seeds

Red Leaf Lettuce
Couple leaves

Romaine Lettuce
Couple leaves

Runner Beans
cut into strips, cut off ends and remove beans (poisonous)

Few leaves

Sprout Tops and Stalks
A handful, no sprouts

Not too much as high in Vitamin C

A cob in half, including leaves

No more than a quarter

Fruits can be great as Guinea Pig food although only give in little quantity as too much can cause scabbing around their mouth.

- Apples and Pears - Without seeds
- Melon - Without seeds
- Grapes - Seedless
- Bananas - Including skins
- Oranges - In segments with skins on
- Cherries - Remove stones first

Do not give them peaches and plums, as they are too acidic and causes mouth scabs.

Guinea Pig Nuggets My piggies love eating the Guinea Pig food that consists of nuggets from Pet At Home, once I thought I would change the nuggets to Woodlands Food and Forage. when I did this, I found that they would only touch the nuggets and hays in it, but left the alfafa pellets, so I switched back to the nuggets again.

Be aware, feeding them with just a bag of Guinea Pig food is not good enough for Guinea Pig diet as they need to eat fruits and vegetables as they are good source of Vitamin C. When a bag of Guinea Pig food is opened, it takes up to ninety days for the Vitamin C to decrease in strength. Do NOT use other food mixes such as Hamster mixes, as peanuts and sunflower seeds aren't suitable for Guinea Pigs

Rabbit pellet mixes contain anti-coccidiosis medication (ACS) and is toxic for cavies.

Hay is a MUST

I'll repeat this... Hay is a must! The Piggies eat very large quantities every day and it helps them to have a healthy digestion system. They will nibble hay constantly as this is necessary to keep their teeth grinded down, preventing it to grow too long.

You can purchase a good quality hay from either a farmer or pet shop. It is essential that you check that it is hay and NOT straw as they are used for as bedding and provide no nutritional value.
Timothy Hay Fresh Herbage Alfafa hay are usually used to feed baby cavies or pregnant sow as it is high in protein, calcium, and carbohydrates. Fully grown pigs do not benefit from them as they are prone to stones or illness due to alfafa being too rich in calcium.

For my piggies, I get Timothy Hay Excel Herbage as they love to eat it and if I try to give them an alternative, they'll ignore it completely (fussy pigs yes I know!!!). Since Timothy Hay's pricey, I only use it for their hay rack, and buy a cheaper big bag of normal hay for their bedding.

Dandelions are their favourite plant, can be found in any garden as they are wild plants, give a handful every day with hay.

And finally, last but not least - Water!

Water bottle in cage Water must be available to the pigs at ALL times with Guinea Pig food.

Always clean and flush out the bottle of old stale water before refilling.

They have a nasty habit of blowing left-over food from their mouth into the water sprout and making the water dirty.

Over time algae will build up inside the bottle so use a bottle brush to clean the inside.

If you do not have a brush, I have heard of an alternative that to put 1cm of water in the bottle and a spoonful of dry rice and then shake the bottle and pour out into a strainer.

Do not use water bowl, pigs will use them as a toilet or tips the bowl over, soaking the cage floor.

I hope this page has helped you to understand what Guinea Pig Food is good for them and what's not.

Guinea Pig Paradise is run by Rob "and his Guinea Pigs" - Guinea Pig food - Full of information about Breeds, Food, Cages, Health Problems and many more.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Save Money by Purchasing Aquarium Supplies Online

By Philip A Langley

Aquariums are a great addition to any room-offering not only hours of entertainment (who doesn't love to watch those fish swim?), but also a gorgeous decorative element that adds to the life and energy of any space. Keeping up with it can be quite pricey, however, which is why purchasing aquarium supplies online is such a great opportunity. Adding more variety to your tank, and keeping your fish in great health can now be less expensive, and so very easy.

Regardless of whether your tank houses an entire school or just a few fish, you can benefit from buying aquarium supplies online for competitive prices and easy shipment. You can easily search through the available supplies to find the perfect decorative pieces for your ecosystem-a great way to add style to your room and improve what you've already got!

Even if you have no need for additional decorative pieces, there are always ways to improve the quality of your water, and consequently the health of your creatures. There are a variety of great aquarium supplies online that will enhance the quality of your system-including state of the art pumps, heaters, and water filtration systems. Perhaps your fish are getting too crowded, and it's time for an upgrade. In this case, you can easily find the perfect aquarium supplies online to give your fish enough space to swim comfortably.

Are you going on vacation? If so, you can find automated fish feeders to keep your pets covered while you're away. These can be found, along with tank sanitation systems-to lessen the stress of your life, and reduce the number of times you have to clean your tank. A clean tank is a healthy tank, and that means more time for you in your busy lifestyle.

Shopping for aquarium supplies online is an easy way to find exactly what you need right from home, and certainly at a better cost.

Find out more...

All you need to know about aquarium supplies online is right here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pet Food Storage Containers - What You Must Know Before Buying Them

By Ernie L

Pets are just animals, should be thrown outside and looked after as cheaply as possible. Life is expensive enough, children cost a fortune, who needs to spend all that money on a damn pet?! Thankfully most humans do not think this way and value the love and genuine benefits that pets such as dogs and cats provide us with.

It's actually quite amazing the effort and amount of money some owners spend on their pets, usually putting off their own needs to provide for their loved ones of the fury kind!

The main expense that comes with pets is the pet food mainly due to being a basic every day necessity. Although some owners are not too fussed and will give their pets dry food, leftovers and not even give them fresh food, there are others who love to give their pets the best food possible.

So which method is right and wrong? Does the quality of freshness of food really matter for a pet? Although you can get away with giving your pet leftovers and unfresh food, it has been proven that the food they eat can effect their health and happiness much in the same way that what us humans consume effects us. So if giving your pet the very best in life is a priority of yours or something you can afford to do, then by all means go for it.

Keeping pet food fresh is simply a matter of storing it in the correct manner. Pet food storage containers are exactly what you need to keep pet food in prestige condition and fresh for your animal for a long period of time.

What many owners do is open the packet of food and either leave it laying around or in a fridge unsealed. It's much better to store your food in air tight plastic storage containers and your pet will love the extra effort you've taken for them.

Most Pet food storage containers are made of plastic as its a long lasting, waterproof material. Most people are not going to fork out extra money for a elegant metal made pet bowl, so plastic is the cheapest practical alternative. For something a little more long lasting and fancy, you can also find some pet food containers made from stone, which also match most home landscapes more closely than plastic.

If you like to buy your pet food in bulk, you will be pleased to know that storing them in containers can save you some money. A lot of owners who buy pet food in large tubs or bags, will often find if opened for a long period of time, the food will start to lose its freshness and may even needed to be thrown out. It's advised that once you open your bag of dry pet food that you store it in a container and then take from it whenever you need to feed your pet.

So where do you buy pet food storage containers? You can either hop in the car, dodge the traffic and hope your local pet shop has some that you like. Otherwise what most do is visit some pet accessories websites online and make a careful selection. You will often find that purchasing online will offer you many discounts too!

Looking for the cheapest Pet Food Storage Containers? We help direct you to the box of your dreams! Click Here

Monday, June 28, 2010

Coolaroo Dog Beds - 5 Reasons Why Caring Dog Owners Buy These Pet Beds

By Missy Ballerd

When shopping for a new bed for your dog there are certainly some priorities to consider. Thinking of your dog's comfort and health should be of greatest importance as they will probably be spending many hours every day on it. Certainly, the durability of the bed is a consideration, so you will want to check out the construction. Some dogs tend to chew their beds so perhaps that is a factor for you as well. In this article you will read about the features of the Coolaroo Dog Bed that make good sense to dogs and their owners.

All- Weather Fabric

One of the unique features of the Coolaroo dog bed is the fabric that is used for the cot. This all weather outdoor fabric is designed to hold up in all kinds of weather without deteriorating. A dog bed is only one application for this fabric. Other applications that indicate the durability of it are that it is used for sun umbrellas and sun shades for windows as well as over patio areas.

Prevents dirt and dust build-up, keeps fleas away

The Coolaroo fabric is woven in a manner for air to flow freely through it. This allows for your dog to stay cool and comfortable even on the most brutal summer days. This weave will also prevent dust and dirt from settling on the cot area of the bed. These particles will just fall through the fabric. In addition, any rain water cannot puddle and the cot area cannot hold water, therefore, your dog will not be resting on a soaked bed. With a clean and dry area, the dog will have fewer fleas and insects to deal with.

Mold and Mildew Resistant

The Coolaroo fabric is mold and mildew resistant. For the health of your dog, you do not want them to be sleeping on a moldy bed. These beds are fabulous to be used as an outdoor dog bed for this reason. They are also easy to clean by just hosing them down.

Raised Dog Bed For Health and Comfort

The coolaroo dog beds are designed to be elevated off the ground. In general, raised dog beds are more comfortable for dogs since they are not lying on hard, cold or damp ground. It makes it easier for them to move around and find their most comfortable way to stretch out. Keeping the dog above the ground tends to keep the fleas and insects away for the dog as well.

Durable and Non-Chewable Dog Bed

The beds are built to last with frames of either lightweight steel or aluminum. The non-chewable frame is your answer if your dog is a chewer. Even if you are not looking for an unchewable bed the Coolaroo is a good choice because it is built to last. Chances are the frame will outlast the fabric bed area so fortunately, there are Coolaroo dog bed replacement covers available.

Do you need to find a comfortable bed that will also be beneficial for your dog's health? A Coolaroo Dog Bed may be your best bet. To find more good information plus the best deals on these popular beds, go to this website right now

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bath Salts For Pets - Natural Flea And Tick Remedy!

By Jeannie Palmer

Carefully blended for your pet's sensitive skin, bath salts can be relaxing, aid in promoting circulation and help to soothe aching muscles and joints. Think of how therapeutic you find bath salts and imagine that same relief for your pet.

As our pets mature they may become afflicted with arthritis, painful joints or muscle swelling. Relaxing in a soothing bath made from dead sea salt, clay, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil can provide some relief for our furry friends.

  • Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil are recognized as being effective against fleas and ticks and much safer than chemicals. Consider this when mixing your next batch of bath salts. Rather than adding fragrance oils, opt for the essential oils of eucalyptus and tea tree and, following the manufacturer's instructions, mix these into the bath salts. Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil are also recognized for relieving itching and minor skin irritations.
  • Dead Sea Salts are beneficial in many ways to both people and their pets. The correct combination of ingredients is essential.
  • Tea Tree oil and Eucalyptus are nature's natural remedy against irritated skin, itching, fleas and ticks. In fact, they are much safer than chemicals found in many leading flea and tick controls that you can purchase over the counter.
  • Clay: Found to be beneficial in soothing skin, condition hair and trapping moisture, clay can provide some relief from heat spots and dry skin.

Combine therapeutic sea salts with a wonderful clay base to hold moisture to your pet's skin while the eucalyptus and tea tree work their gentle magic in soothing skin irritations and warding off fleas and ticks. The marvel of sea salts will ease muscle and joint aches even as the clay conditions the skin and hair. For mature pets, this can be especially rewarding.

CJ Palmer is the founder of CJ Skin Care. For more helpful tips and techniques and a full listing of CJ Skin Care Products visit []

Keeping Your Chinchilla House Safe

By Marilyn G. Ross

Chinchilla houses are a great way to make your pets feel safe and special. In the wild, they either burrow in succulents scattered about or make homes out of crevices in the rocky terrain. In having them as pets, putting your chinchilla in a cage will protect and contain them, giving them their own area in your home. Yet placing chinchilla house inside the cage is even better as it gives them a dwelling place within the confines of their safe space. One can think of it in such a way that the cage is a tiny replica of their natural environment, and the house is like their nest while in wild.

Chinchillas use houses to hide and sleep in. Chinchillas are "crepuscular", meaning that they are active mostly at either during dawn or dusk. In the wild, the reason why their body clocks have adapted this way is to avoid being seen by their predators. Also, since their bodies are unable to sweat, they have to protect themselves from the sun to avoid overheating. Though it is not advisable anyway to place your pet's cage under direct sunlight, having a tiny house in the cage is still ideal as it gives them a darker hiding place during the day. Also, since they are herbivores they have been hunted by predators. Chinchillas have evolved into animals with sensitive ears, bolting at sudden noise. Even if it's advisable to place your pet's cage in a quieter space, having a chinchilla house gives them extra protection from sudden or loud sounds that will only agitate them.

Knowing the natural characteristics of your chinchilla helps in keeping its house safe while in your cage. Perhaps the cage will be good enough to protect your pet and its tiny home, but being a little more cautious and attentive wouldn't hurt at all.

Materials for chinchilla houses are either of wood, metal, or plastic. The most ideal would be metal houses as wood and plastic ones can be dangerous and toxic when nibbled on by your pet. Also, wood when wet stays damp for a longer time and can be a breeding ground for bacteria that may cause health complications. If unavoidable, the wooden house will have to be cleaned regularly. With metal houses, be keen on checking whether there are sharp edges or jagged corners. Chinchillas are very active and scamper quickly, and can get hurt if the house is not level and finished smoothly.

Make sure that houses made of metal are not near any sources of heat or within the scope of sunlight. Metal is a conductor of heat, and metal houses can warm up really fast. Keep in mind that chinchillas don't take to heat well, and will need good ventilation. Be certain that the metal house has enough openings to allow air to circulate well.

There are houses that can either be fastened a little above the cage's base or placed on it. For your pet, it doesn't really matter where you place the house inside the cage. Since chinchillas love to climb, they won't really have a problem if the house is perched on a higher part of the enclosure. Be sure that while your pet is resting, hiding or sleeping in the house, it is safely out of reach from pests and other pets if you have any. Canines and felines can be unsafe for chinchillas. Though these furry creatures are known to occasionally feed on tiny insects, ants and spiders shouldn't be taken lightly as they can be dangerous as well.

A clean and big enough cage is good for your cute pet, but keeping a chinchilla house makes it better. Greater even if you kept the house protected for a safer, happier, and healthier chinchilla.

Marilyn Ross is a proud chinchilla owner and caregiver. She enjoys caring for chinchillas and helping others raise healthy and happy chins. For more information on chinchilla adoption, visit

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The White Golden Retriever Versus The Traditional American Golden Retriever - The Key Differences

By John C Shepherd

For most dog enthusiasts, Golden Retrievers range from, light cream or a rich amber but the enlightened Golden fanatic is well aware that the differences don't stop there. The White and American flavors of the Golden Retriever can be somewhat different physically.

Currently, a lot of names are used to depict the White Golden Retriever. Several of these include English Golden Retrievers, European Golden Retrievers, English Cream Golden Retrievers, and light Golden Retrievers. In the United States these names are generally used to identify those that were bred in Europe as opposed to those bred in the US. Even though it may seem to be that the white Golden is unique simply in name and color, there are in fact many differences between gold and white versions of the breed. According to the American Kennel Club standard they ought to be golden. Both extremely pale or an exceedingly dark color is unwanted while the European standard calls for any shade of gold or cream but not red or reddish brown.

American Goldens and European Goldens differ in their figure. The white version often has a bigger mouth and a longer nose then the American version. Their bodies are also heftier and their heads are usually wider. According to the American Kennel Club, light colored eyes are satisfactory where the European Kennel Club exacts a penalty for lighter colored eyes. Another attribute where the two differ are their ears. The AKC wants their Goldens to have ears behind and above the level of the dog's eyes while the European Kennel Club wants the ears at same level as the eyes. This likewise causes two thoroughly unique looks among these two standards.

The overall makeup of their coats differ between the American Goldens and white European ones also. Originally the Golden was bred to be a hunting dog. They were expected to be able to survive cold climates, squeeze through underbrush and swim across rivers and lakes. Their coats should be heavy but not extremely long and not too short. frequently, the American variety has a long coat that tend to be too thick.

People worldwide are in love with White Goldens as a result of its long list of adorable qualities. They are devoted, lively, intelligent, and love people. They are energetic, terrific with children and other dogs and are willing and ready to delight their owners. With an growing amount of names for the White Golden found it shows that the significance of this extraordinary dog is growing. The information shows that for years this distinctive breed has been increasing in the US. Even though they would not stand to win in any of the American Kennel Club shows, this beautiful White dog has entered the lives of the people here and has won over their hearts with their cheery disposition and their love for people.

John is a long time dog lover with a special interest in the White Golden Retriever. Click here: Golden Retriever Information to check out his website.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Shaking and Shivering Can Mean in Dogs and Cats

By James Witherspoon

It is not unusual for a dog or cat to occasionally shake or tremble. This behavior usually occurs on a normal basis when the pet is enduring a behavior which makes it uncomfortable and anxious such as going to the vet or being bathed. But the shivering should cease after the anxiety provoking experience is over. It is only when a dog or cat has long bouts of shaking or trembling for no apparent reason that it may be necessary for the animal to be checked out by a veterinarian.

Shaking can be a sign of a number of issues in dogs and cats. It is very difficult to know when the behavior is something to worry about and when it is nothing, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so if a pet is shaking when there is no obvious anxiety trigger, it should be taken to the vet.

The Main Causes of Shaking and Trembling in Pets

There are a number of things that shaking can indicate. Some of the more common issues that shaking may be a result of include:

• Hypoglycemia-hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. This is perhaps the top cause of shivering or trembling in dogs and cats and occurs when the animal has gone for an extended period without food.

• Metabolic abnormalities-digestive upset such as vomiting can result in shaking.

• Elevated body temperatures-shaking can be a sign of a serious fever in a pet. If the pet is also sleeping on the bathroom floor or other cool surfaces, there is an additional call for worry.

Small dogs and cats often shake routinely for no evident reason.

To find out more about shaking and shivering in dogs and cats, visit the website of your Austin Vet Clinic today.

James Witherspoon

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Crazy Crab Information - Understanding Crab Behavior

By David B. Star

It is essential to understand Normal crab behavior to understand how crazy crabs are feeling. Crazy crabs normally interact with other crabs in certain ways, much like how one person talks or deals with another. They can crawl on top of each other they can even spar with one another known as pushing contests. These behaviors are usually typical among crazy crabs and would not require a crab owner to be alarmed. When these interactions occur, these actions would mean that they are feeling each other or smelling each other to get to know one another. Usually, they push one another while flicking their claws and antenna to communicate. Strolling over an object is challenging for a crab which is why they go over it or burrow to enable them to have a feel of their environment.

On the other hand, a crab can be hostile to their environment if they feel like they are being threatened. They can be aggressive to their owners while being gentle to other crabs. Others may be hostile to other crabs as well. One example of which would be the land crazy crabs. These hermits typically would kill each other because they are usually territorial. They would destroy each other's shells by ripping them off. They are even known to eat their own kind. These behaviors are usually disturbing to some crab owners which is why it is important to know that these crabs are meat to be placed in separate cages or containers. If a crab is injured, it is ideal to place them in a humid place, making sure you don't disturb them.

Some crab owners are challenged by the fact that their crabs are not coming out of their shell. It is important to know that crabs have different personalities. All crabs are unique. While some like to come out of their shells, others may enjoy staying inside their shells. Some may be fond of exploring their environment while others like to burrow and hide.

The best way to get a crab to explore its environment is to hold it. Let the crab come out on its own by letting it sit in the palm of your hand until the crab becomes comfortable enough to come out. Some are most likely to stay put until you hold them for a long period of time. Some may not come out because they have been hurt by their previous owners. Keeping your palms flat will encourage your crab to come out on his own. Talk in a low gentle voice to encourage him.

While some crabs come out while trying to dig through, just keep your palm taut and firm. This will encourage him to think about his environment thus encouraging him to explore. Blowing on it can also encourage him to come out. Just make sure that your lip is not too close.

David Star is a crazy crab enthusiast. For more accurate crazy crab information, visit

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Treat Ringworm in Cats

By Preston Patrick

One day, there was a kitten that came to my door. I'm a pet lover, so when I saw that it was pretty malnourished I took care of it. I took the little kitten to my veterinarian for a check up. They didn't know that the problem was with my cat, so I had to go back again because the kitten had not gotten any better. They gave it a cold medication, and my kitten seemed to be on its way for recovery. After a while, I noticed that a shape of ring with rash started to show on my skin. When your cat shows symptoms like these, it may be a victim of ringworms.

After few more trips to the vet, they are now fully convinced that my kitten had ringworm, and it warranted immediate action. The symptoms however, were not very obvious for them then, but during the recent visits, it became very clear to them.

Ringworm is a very contagious fungal infection. It spreads really quickly, and it can be passed to another animal. It can even be passed from an animal to a person, and it can even be contracted by touching infected soil or objects. Ringworms in cats can be seen as small to big round lesions that have few hairs. This commonly occurs at the body of the cat, but it can also spread to some parts like the ears, head and tail.

In some cases, the fungus infection is not circle shaped. In other instances, the effects of this infection may appear like a natural autoimmune disease that occurs with young animals. My kitten, it really looked like an autoimmune disease because the only hair loss that occurred was in the area in front of the ears. This is also one of the signs of a malnourished cat.

When you suspect that your cat is a carrier of ringworm in cats, you should be very careful. With my kitten, the infection went undetected until I noticed that another kitten was showing similar symptoms. Even I and my dog were infected with the ringworm fungi. When this happens to your pet, the best action that you should take is to visit your veterinarian for the proper medication of the infection.

There are many treatments that are available for your cats. When the infection is local, you could use an antifungal cream on them. When the ringworm has spread to different parts of the cat's body, you could use an oral treatment. Antifungal shampoos are also effective in removing the ringworm fungi from your cat's body.

If the cat shows symptoms of ringworm, you should take steps to make sure that the infection would not spread further. You can do this by washing the bedding that your cat sleeps in every day to get rid of the fungi that might have stuck on the matting.

When your pet has ringworm, you should repeat this process every day. You should keep doing this even though the symptoms have gone away. You should have your cat undergo two lab tests, and if the results show negative, your cat is now completely cured from ringworm.

Preston Patrick is a ringworm expert. For more great tips on, visit

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Hermit Crab Shells

By Terry McInnis 

What makes hermit crabs so amazing as pets is the fact that aside from the cage that we provide them we also need to provide them with the most important part of their dwelling-the shell. The shell is very important to the life of the crabs because they protect their sensitive and soft abdomen. In fact, the shell does not only function as protective dwelling for the hermits, the shell is also an important element in keeping moisture to this part of their body. Though not choosy when it comes to protecting this part of their body, as pet owners it is your obligation and duty to provide the best shell to your crabs like they are in the wild.

When the hermit crabs are in their natural habitat in the wild, we do not worry about this part of their well-being because nature is a rich source of everything. If they are brought home as pets, we exhaust all means and efforts to make them really feel at home. That is why in choosing the best shells it is important to take note that the shells must have no holes in them or have no cracks in order to keep the moisture inside or else they will dry up inside and will die. It is given that the shells have a good fitting so that your pet can have enough room for withdrawing into the shell. In fact, it is advisable to give your pet larger than their size hermit crab shells as they will one day outgrow the current shell.

Since the hermit crab shells functions also as your pet's mobile home, it is but important that the shells must be good enough to keep them mobile. You have to keep in mind that they love to go around, dig and climb on anything and so you need to consider these factors when giving your pet the shell. Very much like fitting your favorite dress or jeans in the nearby luxury dress shop, they also love to fit first the shell before owning it or they will look for a good fit. In the end, they generally love shell that is big enough for them to fit in but light enough for them to easily move and play around the cage.

As a hermit crab lover it is important to understand that they also love to change shells rather frequently. The reason mainly is because shells can get too small for crab's size. They outgrow the shell. In fact, there are some species who like to change shells like the Caribbean hermit crabs that tend to hop for shells quite often. On the other hand, the Ecuadorian hermit crabs have a tendency to stick to one shell for longer times, if the shell is getting too small for their size! It is in this purpose that you need to have extra supply of hermit crab shells so that you are ready just in time when your pet needs a new shell. In fact, they can at time be quite choosy when it comes to the shell and that is why it is important to give a good variety of choices.

Since your pet is now part of your family, it is but important that you only give your hermit crab the cleanest shell. The best way to accomplish this is to boil the shell before giving it to your lovely pet. In this way, you are effectively sanitizing the shell by killing all possible living organisms inside it that can harm the crab. In the end, it is too risky to give an unclean shell to your hermit crab pet. If you are having difficulty finding a shell, it is best to visit the best online pet shop and purchase shells for your hermit.

In choosing the best hermit crab shells for your pet you only have to consider three things: size, shape, type and quality. When you have accomplished this requirements, your pet is more than happy to stay with you for the next 20 or 30 years.

Terry is a hermit crab enthusiast. For more great information on hermit crab shells, visit


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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pet Store Problems

By Josh Craver

If you're thinking of getting a dog or cat at a pet store, you can. However, you should research the type of store thoroughly, first. Some stores are good, but others cut corners all the time.

For example, many pet stores get their dogs from puppy mills. Supporting the puppy mill industry is probably not something that you want to do. After all, it promotes inbreeding and most puppy mills are also dirty and unsanitary. Your new pet may eve have been abused, if it started out at a puppy mill.

Also, the pet store that you choose may have their own policies that may not necessarily be acceptable. For example, if a dog gets an easily treatable medical issue, the store might cut costs by simply putting it to sleep, instead of fixing the issue.

Another thing to remember is that, even if you've researched the pet store, you should still go into that store several times. Never just buy a pet from the store on impulse. Make sure that the store seems clean and the staff is knowledgeable. Also, of course, make sure that the pet that you choose is a good match for your family.

If at any point you feel that something doesn't seem right, don't get a pet from that pet store. The temptation is to rescue the pet to get it out of a bad situation, but that just helps to keep bad stores in business and give good stores a bad name and image.

Josh Craver has been writing articles about pets for the past three years. He also likes to write about paper products, including 4x6 envelopes and the benefit of using offering envelopes.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Build Your Own Chicken Coop Book Review

By Debbie Vornholt

I love the taste of fresh eggs and I've always wanted some chickens of my own. I recently took the plunge and ordered 24 chicks out of a catalogue. I realized pretty quickly once they arrived that I needed a chicken coop to keep them in when they got older (in a few weeks!). I am pretty handy and decided that I wanted to build my own chicken coop.

So I decided to go online and found several books on the subject. One book in particular stood out though. Unfortunately, after reading the book, I found out that I should have planned ahead! Oh, well. Luckily the chicks were nice and warm in my garage and were fine for a few weeks which gave me plenty of time to build them a new chicken house.

This book has proved to have a wealth of information of everything from which chickens are best for your yard, what they need to eat and what type of housing they need. It also describes the different types of birds you can get and what color eggs they lay. He even tells you what color healthy poop should be!

The diagrams and drawings are very easy to follow and anyone with any kind of handyman or handywoman abilities should have no trouble constructing a nice looking, safe chicken coop. His designs are cost effective and environmentally friendly which was a plus for me.

You can choose a specific design and build it or you can choose to customize your chicken coop. I was also able to take his advice and build some nice nesting boxes out of scrap wood that I had in my garage.

All in all, this is a great book with a lot of diagrams of wonderful chicken houses. It was easy to read and easy to implement the plans. I was very happy with this book and my chickens love their new chicken coop!

Check it out for yourself by going to my blog ==>

Building my very own chicken coop was one of the most enjoyable projects that I have done in a long time. My chickens love their new house and it looks just like the diagram in the book. The sense of accomplishment that I feel is wonderful.

If you have chickens and need a hen house, then check out the book for yourself == >

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pet Travel Bag - A Brief Idea About How to Use Them

By Louise Harman

The Pet travel bags have become very common in the market. They are amongst the most popular accessories of a pet. They are available in different sizes and also reasonable in price. They are not only trendy but also very fashionable. But you must know what you want. They are suitable for short trips and also for airline trips. These are just apt as well as handy.

One of the most common types is the one which can be carried on the shoulder. It is available in the market with wide range of sizes and colors. So you can choose the best suitable one for yourself. It is just perfect for a small dog or a pet. But the most important thing is that the size should be proper with a large opening so that the pet can get in. The bag will give a stylish look with eye catching features.

But in case you are transporting your pet you need a larger crate. Even you can buy a kennel which will be suitable for all types of trips. A kennel is usually large enough so that the pet can freely move about here and there. As it may be a long journey so the pet may get tired if you have a padded surface it will be very good. Your pet will feel very comfortable. It is like an added advantage for them.

If you are on a very short trip then a small bag will be sufficient for the pet. Here you can also get several other types and designs suiting your preference. But if you have a large pet then you obviously need a large carrier for them. Pets cannot be left in the vehicle as they disturb a lot when driving especially the big ones. They can even jump from the car which is very dangerous. They may meet an accident or get injured.

These were the most used and appealing bags in the market. They have great looks together with the design. Your pet will surely love it and experience a good environment. It has comfortable features which make it more popular.

Therefore depending upon your choice and also on the size of the pet you can go for different types of pet ravel bags. The bags are available for all types of pets whether they are dogs or acts or some other. So choose the best one for them.

If you are interested in traveling with your pets and looking for Pet Friendly Hotels then kindly visit us at


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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flooring Materials For Rabbit Hutches

By Tom Woodcock

If you've recently purchased a commercially available rabbit hutch for the beloved bunny you have just added to your family, it probably has a wire floor. There are some hutches that offer split floors, with a wire portion and a portion with a solid surface made of wood, metal, or PVC plastic. Some have wire floors with very wide spacing and some have floors with narrow spacing, similar to traditional hardware cloth. Wire floors are great for rabbit owners, but not so great for your rabbit. Why?

From the owner's point of view, the spacing allows both the rabbit's urine and its droppings to pass through to a clean out pan, located directly under the floor. What could be easier for the owner? Simply remove the pan, clean it, and replace it. For owners, there are only two minor disadvantages to wire floors in rabbit hutches. Widely spaced wire allows some of the rabbit's hay to pass through, in addition to the urine and droppings. And poor quality wire can sometimes separate and become dangerous for the rabbit, but this is a rare occurrence. Now let's try to think like a rabbit.

From the rabbit's point of view, wire floors can actually lead to painful results. If you've spent time on Internet Pet Discussion Forums, you may have come across posts from bewildered owners - most of them newer rabbit owners - who can't understand why their pet rabbit spends most of its time huddled in the corner of the hutch. They are always told that some rabbits can develop a potentially serious medical condition called sore hocks from walking around on widely spaced wire floors. Untreated sore hocks can lead to infections. Although we can't read what is in a rabbit's mind, it is highly likely that walking around on a wire floor is uncomfortable, even if they don't develop sore hocks. How would you like to walk around on a wire floor in your bare feet?

While it is impractical to consider discarding the hutch and buying one with a better floor, there are things you can do to "retro-fit" the floor of the existing hutch. First, consider how far you are willing to go with the more difficult job of keeping the floor of the hutch clean. A partial solution is to cover the existing wire floor with a tightly woven piece of hardware cloth, cut to size. The spacing between the wires is small enough to provide a semi-solid surface that will be much more comfortable for the rabbit and will still allow the urine to pass through. However, the droppings will remain, requiring more frequent cleanings.

Another option is to use a piece of suitably treated outdoor wood, or a series of wood slats to cover the existing floor. A solid piece is easier to install and you can drill holes in the floor to allow urine to pass through. Be aware, the straw may block the holes and might get caught if you don't clean the floor often enough.

A better alternative is to use a series of wooden slats, with spacing between them that will act as a gutter, again allowing the urine to pass through. While it would be possible to use a solid piece of plastic, like a clear lexan panel, it is harder to cut and drill through plastic. All of these retro-fits would need to be secured using plastic or an appropriate wood molding around the perimeter of the floor. This is not an easy task, but if you truly care for that rabbit, it's something you should consider.

Tom Woodcock is a Pet Lover, pet product expert and builder of rabbit hutches. To learn more about Rabbit Hutches and Rabbit Runs visit him online.


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Friday, February 12, 2010

Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis (Ich) And Fish

By Joseph Devine 

Is there a fish in your tank that has started to look and act a little weird? Is it swimming odd, scratching against rocks or lethargic? Does the fish have suspicious white dots growing on its body? These spots look as if the fish has been sprinkled with a salt shaker. If the answer to these questions is yes, your fish likely has Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis or Ich.

Ich is the most common disease of fresh water fish. And while you may be concerned about the state of the fish that currently has Ich, your worries should be based more on the rest of the fish in your tank.

Ich is highly contagious and once one fish has it, the entire tank is at risk of becoming infected. And what started as a problem with one fish will soon become the equivalent of a plague in your tank if fast action is not taken.

The Life Cycle of Ich

In order to understand how to go about treating your fish for Ich, you need to know about the life cycle of Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis.

Ich is caused by the protozoa ichtyopthiruis. It is an ectoparasite and essentially feeds off of your fish's body when the fish becomes infected. The stages of Ich include:

• Feeding stage-the parasite feeds in a nodule (the white spots) formed in the skill or gill.

• Encapsulated dividing stage-after feeding the parasite falls off the fish and adheres to plants, nets, gravel or other ornamentation in the aquarium.

• Binary fission-the Ich rapidly divides up to 10 times and takes hold of the entire tanks, attacking any other fish in the tank.

The rate at which the life cycle of the parasite moves is largely dependent on the water temperature in the tank. The life cycle is significantly sped up the higher the temperature of the water.

Treating Ich

There are a number of ways of treating Ich that differ greatly based on the type of fish in your aquarium. But the first approach to treating Ich should be separating the infected fish from the rest of the fish in the aquarium as soon as possible.

Once it is separated you can treat the infected fish, but remember to also treat the entire tank as well! Once Ich can be easily seen on a fish, it is likely already on its way to infecting the whole aquarium.

For more information on Ich, visit the website of Austin Vet Clinic today.

Joseph Devine

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Flea and Tick Control - What Type of Program is Right For Your Pet?

By Joe Cinova

With so many different products that are available today for flea and tick control, sometimes the choice of which one you should use for your pet isn't all that clear. I'm not even talking about manufacturer's brands. I'm talking about the particular plan you would use to rid your pet of these pests.

As daunting of a task that it may seem it really isn't that hard to wade thru all the information and decide what you need. There are 2 required scenarios that you need to look at. Like anything else let's start at the beginning. You need to know all you can about the pet being treated. Second, do you want a program of prevention, treatment or both? Each requires a different process to address the requirement.

Let's get started by asking a few simple questions.

1) What pet is this for, a dog or cat? When you buy Flea and Tick Control Medications they are specifically formulated for one type of pet or the other. They are NOT meant to be used interchangeably for either one.
2) It this for a pup or kitten? A lot of the pet medications are not allowed for a pet if they are younger than a certain age. Some allow on pets as young as 8 weeks old while others require that the pet has reached an age of 12 weeks.
3) If you were to search for a treatment, are you aware that you need to know the weight of your pet, whether it is for a cat or dog? Manufacturers of Flea and Tick Control medications have formulated the products to work best with pets in specific weight ranges. They also tend to "color code" the box and product advertising information of the product. For example Frontline Plus for Dogs, Orange, is for dogs up to 22 pounds. The Frontline Plus for Dogs Brand has four different weight levels, Orange, Blue, Purple and Red.
4) Is your pet sick or does it have any other health concerns like being pregnant? Again, there are product "use" limitations for some of these conditions and the products may not be used at the time.

Ok so we know about the physical and medical well being of our pet so let's work on the type of program we want to use. As I mentioned there are 3 possibilities. You might want to start a program of Flea and Tick Control Prevention. Or you realize you need to get moving on a treatment plan. Or third and I think the best plan of attack is a full program of Flea and Tick Control prevention and treatment. Basically, this is a program to get rid of any pests even if you aren't sure they exist and keep them away if they haven't gotten to your pet yet.

So what does each type of program offer? A program of prevention for your pet does three things; it will repel fleas and ticks from getting on to your pet; it will inhibit any growth of the pests if they are there and finally the program kills eggs and larvae. Each one of these preventative measures plays a particular role in stopping the life cycle of the parasites. The program won't work if it doesn't offer these three steps in the process.

A treatment plan is for administering an immediate remedy to kill adult ticks or fleas. When the pet is infested you want to provide immediate relief for them. A treatment application will do exactly that. There are subtle differences between prevention and treatment but this is because the formulations of the products are designed to do different things at different times of the life cycles of fleas and ticks.

Remembering some of the basic information about Fleas and Ticks is that they each have 4 stages during development. Fleas have eggs, larvae, pupae and adult stages. Ticks have eggs, larvae, nymph and adult cycles in their lifetime. Because of this, one product needs to be capable of interrupting each of the life cycles when they are present. So it would just makes sense to have a Flea and Tick Control Prevention and Treatment plan going on at the same time.

Ok so we know about the pet and want a dual plan of attack. What does this program entail? First and foremost you need to find all the possible areas where the pests are living. Besides searching for them on the pet, look in their bedding, where they feed, where they play, outdoors and their normal places of travel. Each of these particular areas will require a different course of treatment from simple vacuuming and washing their blankets to a major cleanup outside of areas they may inhabit.

Next, research the products you might consider using for their capabilities in providing a particular plan of Flea and Tick Control. Do you want a topical treatment for the pet or should you use and oral medication? What should you use to get rid of them if you find them outdoors? Maybe your vet has recommended a certain brand. Its all part of the process you need to go through but you'll be glad you did.

Its part of the responsibility you need to exercise when having a pet. The wrong product or program may not harm the pet but it certainly won't relieve them of their pain, scratching and sores. Doing your homework by reading and planning out an effective program of Flea and Tick Control is well worth the effort not only for the pet but for you, your children and house as well. Remember these pests aren't picky, just hungry and will get a meal wherever they can, not just your pet.

Hi and thanks for reading my article! We are focused on informational articles and products for your pets. We know what your pets need and are confident you'll find exactly what they need right here. Stop by and say hello. Leave us an email at

Thanks for stopping by. Get all your pet supplies at

For all your name brand Flea and Tick Control Products visit us at The Flea and Tick Control Shop for great savings!

Copyright Cinova LLC - 2009


Friday, January 22, 2010

How to Make Puppy Chow Dessert

By Pam Genna

Are you planning a kids party or a family get together and can't think of how to make that one dessert you just love? The one with gooey chocolate, peanut butter, crunchy crispix and powdered sugar. Yes, PUPPY CHOW.

Puppy Chow is the most delicious dessert and as simple as pie to make. Have you searched the web with all the millions of different suggestions on how to make it? Is everyone's different? Well, I have the secret to make the PERFECT batch of Puppy Chow desert. Gather these items and follow this simple recipe.


1/2 cup Peanut Butter
1/4 cup Butter
1 cup Chocolate Chips
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
9 cups Crispix cereal - Plain is best
1-1/2 cups Powdered Sugar


1. Combine peanut butter, butter and chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl.
2. Microwave for one minute then stir to blend all ingredients thoroughly. Add 1/2 tsp. vanilla.
3. Place the 9 cups of Crispix cereal in a very large bowl.
4. Pour the peanut butter-chocolate mixture over the cereal and toss evenly, making sure all the cereal gets a good covering.
5. Coat with powdered sugar, sprinkling evenly over the cereal and tossing as you sprinkle to cover each piece well.

Simple, wasn't it? There are people who use paper lunch bags or plastic bags and pour the cereal with the chocolate chips and peanut butter in it and then try pouring the powdered sugar in the bags. That can make a huge mess. Your best bet, is to follow my recipe and you will end up with one fabulous dessert. People won't be able to get enough of this dessert. And if you are like me, you may even smuggle some just for you for later. Happy cooking.

Pam Genna, the author of this article, owns If The Bow Fits Boutique. An online girls boutique who specializes in custom hair bows for girls and more. Find the best hair bows for girls in her store.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why Not Adopt a Ferret From Your Pet Shop

By Alan W Taylor

If you have decided that you want to adopt a ferret, but have not given any thought as to where you are going to get him from. Well there are several options that are available for you to choose from. The first port of call for most people is normally the local pet store.

At your local pet store, you will usually find all of the things that you will need in order to look after your pet. As ferrets are not the number one choice as pets, there probably will not be much of a selection to choose from. And they are going to be in competition with all of the other more popular animals. That will probably mean that the more popular pets, cats, dogs, and rabbits will usually get pride of place.

If your local pet store does have some ferrets on show. Then they will probably stock some of the other basic items that you will need.

You will have to select an appropriate cage for your new pet. Below are some of the essential extras that you will need.

1. The Food And Water Dishes.

These dishes should be solid and heavy enough that they will not easily be thrown around by your ferret.

2. Sleep Sacks Or Hammocks.

These should be durable and lined if possible for extra warmth. They should also be machine washable, this will help to prevent the spread of disease.

3. The Litter Box.

The litter box should be portable, so that it can be removed from the cage for easy cleaning.

4. Ferret Food.

At your local pet store, you will be able to purchase the same type of food that your pet has been eating. And hopefully, some general advice about looking after a ferret from the store keeper.

There are of course many other things that you could buy, toys for example and harnesses. So if your local pet store is where you intend to purchase your ferret. You will hopefully find that everything you need, will be there in that one place.

So if you are looking to adopt a ferret, you can more information by clicking on the link below.

Alan Taylor is a ferret enthusiast and author. For more great tips on adopting a ferret, visit


Friday, January 8, 2010

Wireless Fence Systems - More Humane Than Their Reputation Implies

By Evan Dayvies

A wireless fence is a great investment for any pet owner, and there are tons of different options out there when it comes to purchasing the best one for your location. The fence provides an invisible barrier for your dog or cat that keeps them well within their bounds and safely on your property without worrying about them wandering out into the street. They are relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to the cost of a traditional fence, and are nearly one-hundred percent reliable when it comes to keeping your pet where it belongs.

The fence is simple to install and works by forming a fenceless barrier where your pet can play without any worries regarding his safety. Installation of the wireless dog fence is simple; a cable is buried beneath the ground in the formation of the perimeter that you want to set for your pet. The wire works with a radio signal which is relayed to a collar that is worn around the pet's neck. When the pet gets near this buried wire, the collar will first emit a warning signal that is activated by the buried wire. The pet will back away from the wire's location or if the dog ignores the signal he will receive a very mild shock of electricity. There are also types of wireless fence kits that feature wireless installation.

These high tech fencing systems use global positioning satellite systems to determine the location of a virtual fence - and there is no installation required on your part. This type of wireless fence system works well for most pet owners and has the added flexibility of not having to physically move the fence in order to change the location of the boundary. This type of system works with a shock collar as well. In the case of larger dogs, a higher setting may be required in order to keep the dog from straying beyond the boundary.

The wireless fence is very safe not only for the pet, but also for families with children. The fence only affects animals that are wearing the collar that comes with the fence kit.

There is absolutely no need for concern among pet owners for the safety of any human residing in the household when it comes to these products. And although many people claim that the these types of fences are an inhumane product that can hurt the dog, the truth of the matter is that as long the fence is appropriately set up and the shock level for the collar is set to the appropriate weight of the dog wearing the collar, the wireless fence is a perfectly humane pet containment system. In most cases, if a dog crosses the boundary one time - that is all that it takes to keep him from wandering away again - which makes the system very effective.

Keeping your pet is as much of a priority as keeping people safe from your dog -- either way, accidents are possible. If you believe that a wireless fence would not he humane, get the real facts at our website.

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