Saturday, December 18, 2010

Your Pet Hermit Crab's Care and Feeding Tips

By Don A Levy

Learn Tips for the Care & Feeding of Your Pet Hermit Crab

Regular care and timely feeding is what's needed for the health and happiness of hermit crabs along with being the secret for their longevity. Never ignore your pet hermit crab otherwise it likely will die within few months. If you want your pet hermit crab to live for years in a healthy state, you need to create proper environment to exist and provide healthy food.

Care for your pet hermit crab begins with their habitat. A glass fish aquarium is probably the best home for your pet. They need to have a moist warm climate to thrive and this will fill the bill. Because hermit crabs are climbers a surface like glass will do the best job of keeping them secure. You also want to sure the lid is secure to prevent your pet from escaping.

The floor of their home should ideally be covered in sand. Its recommended the sand be at least 2 inches deeper than the height of their shell. Keep the sand moist so they can burrow down in it easily. This is a must for them to molt. They could stay in their burrow for a couple of weeks so don't worry if you don't see them for a while.

Even though I keep talking about a pet hermit crab it probably best to at least have a pair as they are social animals. The more you have in your crabarium the more chances you will have to observe them doing interesting things. Make sure you have plenty of shells for them to choose from.

Make sure that the habitat is cleaned and supplied with fresh water daily. Clam shells are recommended for their food and water dishes as they are not only more interesting then a dish but they will supply some calcium for the crabs. Depending on the size of your pet hermit crabs you may need to put a rock or something similar in the deepest part of the water shell to keep them from drowning as they will crawl into the shell

Shells are likely the most important part of the pet hermit crabs care. The shell is what protects the crabs soft abdomen. Without a shell the crab is fairly well doomed. Make sure you have plenty of shells in their home. You also need to make sure the shell are increasing in size. Although the littler crabs will use a shell that has been discarded by a larger one, keep in mind that some crabs are finicky about choosing a shell. The shell are also good decorations so have a lot of different types and sizes.

Humidity is an important part of your pet crab's life. It is recommended that the humidity be around 70%. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. You can spritz them but this is a short term solution. A natural sponge soaked with water is a good method and also acts as a decoration. Keeping the sand damp will also act as a humidifier. An electric humidifier is another way but I only recommend this a last resort.

Warmth is also a must. The crabs usually come from jungles so keep this in mind when providing their home. The recommended temperature is 72-80 degrees. If the temperature goes below 72 degrees for a period of time it could cause stress or health problems for your pet hermit crab.

The proper type of food is crucial for your pet hermit crabs health. They need plenty of calcium so you should buy a specially formulated food from a pet store or you can also make their food at home. Since the creatures are scavengers and will eat almost anything you can give them a variety of foods like fruits, crackers, egg shells and vegetables. Remember not to leave uneaten food because mold and bugs will infest the habitat.

Handle hermit crabs with care. In the beginning, the easiest way to hold them is by its shell to avoid getting pinched. After the crab begins to trust you more you can try putting it in the palm of your hand. Make sure to keep your hand flat. The crab might pinch you if it thinks it will fall. If one pinches you, try not to panic, and hold it under running warm water to make it let go. Be careful never to drop the crab, which could kill it, and never attempt to take it out of its shell. A hermit crab would rather be torn apart than be separated from its shell.

If you are thinking of getting a pet but haven't decided on what kind you might want to think about a hermit crab especially if you have children. A crab is fairly inexpensive to acquire and doesn't cost much to take care of. Kids like to have things that are unique and a pet hermit will certainly fill the bill. With kid's pets the parents are often called on to make sure they have been taken care of and with crab it won't be the problem a puppy or kitty might be.

Don Levy
hermit crabs PetCo Website

If you are a pet owner or thinking about becoming one you should go to the website at Natural Pets Health to get more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures. You will also find general information such as the pros & cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes to fish to exotics.

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