Saturday, August 18, 2007

Advice For Avoiding Bad Pet Food

The immune system's strength, in people as well as animals, is affected by the quality of nutrition. A dog's behavior, happiness, health, longevity and overall well-being are direct result of the nutrition offered in the daily diet. Each dog has special nutritional needs that vary from animal to animal.

There are several easily noticeable symptoms of nutritionally caused deficiencies: allergies, hot spots, lack of energy, joint problems, arthritis and poor behavior. Nutritional balance is the key to a healthy pet and not giving the dog bad pet food will help with the inflammation of arthritis and other major health problems.

Quality Of Good and Bad Pet Foods

Poor quality pet foods are common in grocery stores and pet supply stores. The low price tag may be tempting and seem like a bargain for what is often advertised as a "premium" product, but the items really contained in your pet's food may be surprising.

Dogs need meat and protein, being carnivores, and they also need carbohydrates, vitamins, fat, minerals, and water. Essentially, they need all six of the basic types of nutrients. Manufacturers of pet food have the choice of the types and amounts of proteins, minerals, and vitamins that they put into their products. Chicken, lamb, and beef, which contain higher amounts of protein, are needed by active dogs. Plants or grains such as corn, soy, wheat, and rice have enough protein for less active dogs. Most dog food is made with ingredients that are edible by humans, such as rice, chicken, liver, vegetables, etc, which is not bad pet food.

Dogs have specific nutritional needs, but most pet owners do not realize that all dogs and most good or bad pet foods are not alike. Many commercial dog food brands are lacking in key nutrients, which are edible for humans, and even other species of animals, can pose hazards for dogs because of their different metabolism. Some may cause only mild digestive upsets, whereas, others can cause severe illness, and even death.

However, there are a few common food items that are bad pet foods to give to dogs. Chocolate, for instance, is very toxic to both dogs and cats. Baking chocolate contains more toxins than milk chocolate does, but both forms are potentially lethal. Two or three squares of baking chocolate could prove fatal to a smaller dog. Tea and coffee are likewise toxic, as they contain the same chemicals. Warning signs of food poisoning in dogs are excitement, nervousness, muscle spasms, seizures, and increased body temperature. Veterinary treatment is recommended as soon as possible.

Caroline Bourke is a full time beauty therapist in Florida. Check out these great Dogs Advice resources and articles or the more general Pets Advice advice and info.

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