Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dog Food Nutrition Basics

by Derek Young

Dog food nutrition is a basic skill that would greatly benefit pet owners to know. Knowing what kind of nutrition your dog needs, and giving your dog the best mix of nutrition will give your dog a longer, healthier, and more energetic life. Read on the learn more about dog food nutrition, and what you can do for your dog.

A word about commercialized pet foods. Commercialized pet foods generally don't contain the nutrients your dog needs, and also contains many harmful chemicals. Preservatives, taste and coloring agents, texturizers, among other chemicals have been proven to damage your pet's livers, kidneys, destroy red blood cells and are also suspected to cause cancer.

To give your dog the best dog food nutrition, it's best to prepare your meals for your dog at home. When preparing food for your dog, always serve at room temperature, not cold from the fridge or hot off the stove. Don't salt homemade dog food. Avoid feeding table scraps at dinner, which promotes excessive eating and also tells your dog its okay to beg. If you're feeding table scraps, be sure to put it in a dog bowl.

Your dog needs to have about 75% carbohydrates and about 25% fats and proteins. Carbohydrates include vegetables and grains, fats and proteins include meats, bones, and nutritional supplements.

A dog that's healthy is abundant with energy, lean and muscled, has little to no odor, and generally exudes a love of life and health. A dog that's eating a diet with low dog food nutrition is low energy, dull, has dog skin odors, and is much more susceptible to infections and diseases.

About the Author

Learn more about the best foods for your dog, how to boost your dog's energy, and how to extend your dog's life, at:


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