Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who Causes Your Dog Health In Danger ?

If you're fond of dogs, you'll understand the importance of dog health. Knowing about it will help you immediately diagnose symptoms of illness and disease, allowing you to administer first aid before calling the vet. Most dog owners neglect studying about healthy dog, since dogs are naturally hardy creatures, but it is essential to a long, happy life for your canine buddy. A healthy dog is a happy dog (and vice-versa), and even the simplest dog health care will be beneficial to him.

Washing your dog is an essential part of. You can bathe your dog as often as once a week, but make sure you keep him warm during and after the bath. You may decide to bathe your dog in its own special tub, using a hose and spray nozzle. Ease your dog into the tub carefully so as not to surprise or scare him. Use careful, gentle movements throughout the bath, and be positively involved in the process.

Grooming is a dog health practice that keeps him free from parasites. Grooming includes hair clipping and cutting, nail clipping, powdering, and teeth cleaning. Grooming your dog is easier if they were groomed as puppies, so training your puppy to accept washing and other grooming techniques at a young age is highly advisable. Grooming is important for dog, and your own as well - you won't have to deal with as much dog hair and odor. Grooming also improves dog life by cutting down on allergies and infection.

dog health also depends on the right food. Meat should be the main constituent of your dog's diet. Fresh, canned, or frozen beef constitutes good choices. It is not always necessary (though highly advisable) to cook the meat, but it should be at least served at room temperature. Dogs also need starch and fiber, which can be added onto the dog's diet through food such as rice, corn, and lettuce. Puppies need additional vitamins and minerals, and your veterinarian can give you vitamin supplement tablets that your dog will enjoy chewing. These can all be found in good pet stores, as well.

Exercise is good for dog and your own. A well-exercised dog rests more calmly and is less nervous when left alone at home. Regular exercise can strengthen his bones and joints and improve his heart and lung functions. The best dog routine exercises both his mind and body. Lack of exercise results in poor dog health, including poor muscle tone, obesity, heart ailments, bone disorders, and emotional problems such as quirky behavior.

Dogs, as they are well-known, are man's best friends. They are sociable creatures and fiercely loyal to their owners. As a dog owner, it's your responsibility to keep him healthy and happy with the right amounts of hygiene, food, and exercise. Maintaining good routines will ensure he returns the care and companionship to you for many, many years.

About the Author

Finley Zhang is a dog lover, and he enjoy sharing information and knowledge to improve dog's health. He is owner of YummyHealthyDogFood. YummyHealthyDogFood has helped dog owners improve their dog's life by sharing dog food recipes and dog tips. You can instantly access the recipes and tips by visiting


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