Friday, September 2, 2011

How to Find the Best Vacuum for Pet Hair

By Heather F Schultz

If you are a pet lover and keep pets in your home, you probably know how difficult it can be to keep your carpet clean and your house smelling good. Unless you have hairless pets, you will always have the problem of pet hair sticking to everything. If your entire house has hard wood floors or tile, you will find the most difficult area to remove pet fur from is the carpet. The good news is that in this day and age there are very good pet hair vacuums available to everyone.

You're probably wondering what is the best vacuum for pet hair? That question is not easily answered. There are many factors to consider when shopping for a pet vac. Manufacturers are constantly improving their models, so at any given time there may be several vacuums that would qualify for the best vacuum for pet hair.

When you decide to search for a pet hair vacuum you should keep in mind that many vacuums may work well for removing pet fur even if they aren't labeled as a pet hair vacuum. Also, there are many models that will work very well when they are new, but quickly lose their cleaning ability as they age. You know the saying, you get what you pay for.

So, what should you look for in a pet vac? There are several factors to consider before you begin your search. How big is your house? Do you have mainly hardwood floors or carpet? Do you have stairs and are you able to carry a heavy vacuum upstairs? Then of course you must consider your budget.

If you have a large budget then the playing field narrows quickly as to which pet fur vacuum you should purchase. If you can afford to pay $500 plus dollars for a vacuum, then I would recommend purchasing a Dyson DC25 Animal pet fur vacuum, or a Sebo X4. If you have a limited budget there are many new pet hair vacuums on the market. One of the most popular inexpensive vacuums used for pet fur is the shark navigator vacuum.

So, what makes for a vacuum the best vacuum for pet hair? Obviously suction plays a big part in any vacuum. Without it you won't get anywhere with pet fur. The standard unit to measure suction is the airwatt. Unfortunately, most manufacturers of lower end pet vacuums will not disclose the airwatt suction of their vacuums. They try to confuse consumers by listing the watts of the vacuum motor, which has nothing to do with the suction of the vacuum.

One thing about vacuums is that they generally have good suction when they are clean. Traditional vacuums use bags to capture dirt and pet fur prior to exhausting air. The latest trend has been to make bagless vacuums. Be warned, not all bagless vacs are created equal. Dyson invented the popular cyclone technology that prevents loss of suction. There are many cheap pet vacuums on the market that look like Dyson's but in fact don't even possess cyclone technology. The only cheap pet hair vacuum with true cyclone technology is the Shark Navigator Vacuum.

If you have carpet in your home you will need a vacuum with a beater brush. This is the roller with bristles located at the suction intake of the vacuum. Generally, the beater brush is powered by a belt. In many lower in vacuums the belts will quickly stretch and the roller will start slipping. This can be very aggravating because you will notice that there is pet fur remaining in your carpet after you vacuum. This is one of the main reasons I recommend that you purchase a high end pet hair vacuum. Most high end pet hair vacuums either have lifetime belts or they have a direct drive system.

The best way to find the best pet vacuum is to read pet vacuum reviews. If you search the internet you will find many pet vacuum review websites. In addition to vacuum review sites it is advisable to read reviews left by real customers on merchant websites. Many merchants encourage customers to leave reviews of products they have purchased. If you find a pet hair vacuum that is loved by hundreds of people then you can bet your on the right path to finding the best vacuum for pet hair.

If you would like to find the Best Vacuum for Pet Hair then you should read reviews at our website,

You may interested in our recent Dyson DC25 Animal Review. May you have a clean pet filled house!

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