Monday, July 20, 2009

Finding a Suitable Indoor Rabbit Cage

Pets are something which almost everybody loves to have. Different people prefer different pets. Some people prefer rabbits as pets. Rabbits are sweet little things and they can sure become good pets. But whenever you decide to have a pet for yourself, you also need to decide other things. You need to take good care of it; you even need to pamper these little beings.

The first thing to which you need to give special attention is the food that you will serve. Every pet might not eat the same food. Rabbits too have their own food habits. The next thing you need to think about is the dwelling place. Indoor cage is a good idea. If you go to the market you will find different kinds of  cage. An indoor cage is better because it can save the pet from being a prey to bigger animals.

Different sizes of indoor rabbit cage are available. You need to choose the size keeping in mind the size of your rabbit as well as the number of rabbits you own. It will be better if you can avoid buying the small cages because the rabbits do not get enough space in them. The space in your room also becomes a factor while choosing your cage size.

If your room space does not permit you to buy the bigger cages then you have no other option than buying a small cage. There is a rule that the size of the indoor rabbit cage must be at least 4 times the size of the full grown rabbit. If this rule is followed your rabbit will stay fir and fine. You need to keep enough space in the cage because the cage will also have other things like, feeding bottle, litter box, toys and water bottle.

If you keep on adding these things in a small cage your rabbit will merely have any space for itself. This kind of indoor rabbit cage is fine only if the rabbit roams around the house all day and then at the end of the day goes to the cage to rest and sleep.

The bigger rabbit cage is not very cheap. The most common model is almost above $100. It will be cheaper if you build the rabbit cage yourself rather than buying one. Gather all the equipments and choose a Sunday to build indoor rabbit cage.

If you are shopping for an Indoor Rabbit Cage online, be sure to visit:

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